
Showing posts from October, 2019

Reading Notes: More Jataka Tales Part B

Lion on a hill . The Foolhardy Wolf There was a lion who ate all of the buffalo meat he wanted  After eating he went to take a nap, which is when he stumbled across a hungry wolf The wolf knew he had no chance against the lion, so he threw himself at the lion The wolf asked him to be the lion's servant and serve him The lion told the wolf, "Each day you must go to the mountain top, and see whether there are any elephants, or ponies, or buffalos about. If you see any, come to me and say: 'Great Lion, come forth in thy might. Food is in sight.' Then I will kill and eat, and give part of the meat to you" The wolf did as he was told and eventually he grew big and strong The wolf became confident in his ability to kill; therefore, he wanted to prove to the lion he could, so he attempted to kill an elephant The lion told the wolf, "Wolf, only Lions can kill elephants. The world has never seen a Wolf that could kill an elephant. Give up this notion of

Reading Notes: More Jataka Tales Part A

The Three Fishes 3 fishes named Thoughtful, Very-Thoughtful, and Thoughtless Very-Thoughtful warned the other two fish that danger is near the river they just moved to and that they should move back to the country river where no men lived Thoughtful & Thoughtless kept putting off their going from day to day Thoughtful and Thoughtless swam ahead of Very-Thoughtful and got caught in the net Very-Thoughtful saw this happened and saved them The two other fishes thanked Very-Thoughtful and they went back to the river country 3 Fishes. Source: Flickr . Bibliography: The Three Fishes by Ellen C. Babbitt

Learning Challenge: Happiness Jar

Corgi Puppies. Source: Pixabay . I started this challenge about 2-3 weeks ago and I forgot to keep up with it; therefore, I am going to restart this challenge this week and see where it takes me. My life has gotten less busy and my grades are slowly going up in all of my classes. I hope to continue that and hopefully, this challenge will help me gain happiness in all things. 

Growth Mindset: Random Cats

Just do it! Confidence will follow. I chose this picture because I don't have confidence in my work, which is why I am scared to complete them sometimes, especially with the storytelling assignment. However, after my first story, I received positive feedback, which made me feel good about myself! This helped me build up my confidence to write more stories. Review your work. This picture hit me hard because I overlook small mistakes all the time. I try my best to read my work out loud but then I catch myself reading it in my head. I am trying to get into the habit of reading my work out loud and hopefully, it will show in my future stories.

Extra Credit Reading Notes: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu

Drona trains the princes . Part 1 The five tall sons of Pandu never complained when they were under their uncle's rule, even though their uncle hated them The five sons were put in a tournament to test their skills and they all excelled in every trial, with Arjun being the best archer Arjun was put up to a challenge to show his skill in the use of the bow and succeeded successfully However, a mysterious warrior (Karna) comes into the arena to challenge Arjun and basically had the same skill sets as him Duryodhan crowned Karna as king of Huga and a charioteer comes dashing into the arena, which caused Karna to bow down because it was his father Bibliography: Wilson. The Five Tall Sons Of Pandu

Week 10 Story: Rin the Blue Exorcist

Rin the Blue Exorcist. Source: Wikimedia . Once upon a time, twin boys, Yukio Okumura and Rin Okumura, were born from a human woman as the sons of Satan. They were raised as normal children by an exorcist, Father Shiro Fujimoto, until Rin got into a fight one day, which ignited his blue flames and caused his demonic features to show. These blue flames exposed that he was the son of Satan and he was dangerous to human kind. Growing up, Rin always felt like he was an outcast and didn't belong anywhere, and it wasn't until now that he gained proof that he really was different from everyone else. However, Yukio did not exhibit these same demonic features and powers even though he was also the son of Satan. He didn't let this information get to him but instead, he wanted to help protect Rin from Satan by training to become an exorcist with the help of Father Shiro. Not only that but he wanted to keep Rin as humanly as possible and show everyone that a demons and humans can

Reading Notes: Babbitt. Jataka Tales Part B

The Elephant Girly-face There once was a king who had an elephant named Girly-face because he was so gentle and kind However, one day, some robbers came by and basically taught Girly-face how to act by the way they were talking They said "Once inside the house kill any one who wakens. A robber must not be afraid to kill. A robber must be cruel and have no pity. He must never be good, even for a moment." After hearing this, Girly-face started to act out and killed everyone which caused him to be ugly The king heard about his wrong-doings and sent one of his wise men to find out what was happening The wise man came to the conclusion that Girly-face heard some bad men talking; therefore, a solution to this problem is to get good men talking After Girly-face heard good men talking about how it is wrong to hurt any one, he started being gentle and good again Girly-face. Source: Pixabay . Bibliography:

Reading Notes: Babbitt. Jataka Tales Part A

Turtle in Water. Source: Pixabay . How the Turtle Saved His Own Life A king had a lake make in the courtyard for the young princes to play in The king asked the men to put some fishes into the lake and there was a turtle in the lake as well The boys had never seen a turtle before, so it startled them and they thought it was a demon in the lake The men caught this "demon" and the king ordered them to kill the turtle Many different ways was brought up on how to kill the turtle but one stood out the most An old man who was afraid of the water said to throw it in the water The turtle heard what the old man said and asked why he must be killed in this way because it was the "cruelest" way to kill him Immediately after hearing this from the turtle, the king ordered his men to throw it into the lake Little did they know this was the turtle's safest spot to be in The Merchant of Seri Two merchants sold brass and tinware in towns (one was greedy)

Famous Last Words: Week 6 & 7 of School

Motivation. Source: Flickr . These past two weeks of school have been really rough for me, but I guess that is how life goes when you are in college. I worked a lot in these past two weeks and it completely drained me. On top of that, I had to study for my microbiology and organic chemistry exam. Again, I have not been completing the assignments for this class to the best of my ability. During fall break though, I finished all of the assignments for this week and did majority of the extra credit assignments as well. I am slowly heading towards my goal for this class, which is to get an A. I really hope I reach this goal by the end of this semester and I do not continue to slack in this class or in my other ones since half of the semester is already done with. After doing a review for this class, I realized I let myself go and got too comfortable with how this class is setup. After coming to that realization, I need to step up my game and be on top of things because life does not

Learning Challenge: The Happiness Jar

Me hoping to jump in the air like this picture after this semester. Source: Flickr . I have been stressed out with school, so I wanted to give this happiness challenge a shot and see what happens from here on out. I think this idea is great because it will give me an opportunity to take time out everyday to think about one thing that made me happy. I plan on writing at least one thing that made me happy everyday on a sticky note and sticking it somewhere in my room. I am going to try to be descriptive with it as well, so when I look back at the sticky note, I can remember what happened and hopefully, it will bring up my mood!

Growth Mindset: Random Cats

Being different can give you power. Growing up, I personally thought I was different from everyone because of my race. Going to a predominantly white school did not help with that but I overcame the culture difference by embracing my culture and educating others about it as well. To this day, I am glad that I am Asian and different from everyone else. We all struggle. I chose this cat picture because I struggle every single day. I am struggling to catch up in this class but I am slowly making progress! I feel like without struggle, you cannot get anywhere in life. So thank goodness I struggle quite often.

Week 8 Progress

To be quite honest, I am not happy with the progress I have made in this class. I have been missing assignments left and right, and that is on me for letting my personal issues interfere with my education. This class is fairly easy and I should get an A with no problem; however, missing a bunch of assignments is not helping me reach my goal. I am very disappointed in my work ethic this semester and would like to fix this issue before it is too late. Besides that, I think the work I am proud of the most would be my first story assignment. I had something in mind I was shooting for but my product ended up being completely different, which is fine! The class assignments I enjoy the most are the project ones. I liked setting up the website for my portfolio and can't wait to tweak it a little bit when I have time to. For the rest of the semester, I plan on doing every assignment, including extra credit ones as well, in order for me to get an A in this class. You can do it! Source: M

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

So far, the comments and feedback I received in this class has been very helpful. Everyone who commented gave me constructive criticism, which will help improve my writing skills. I feel like suggestive comments are the most useful ones in my opinion. I am very open to other writing options and take people's advices when it is given. Suggestive comments can also help clear up any confusion when I revise my stories! I think the comments and feedback I gave are good. I followed the weekly guidelines on how to give feedback to students to the best of my ability. As I am reading through students' writing, I usually find cool ideas that I could incorporate into my own story. At the beginning of the semester when I completed majority of the assignments, I was able to connect with people through there blogs; however, I have been slacking so the connection is not exactly there anymore. I would like to catch up and connect with more students. I liked my introduction post and would n

Week 8 Reading and Writing

Looking back, I wished I completed more reading and writing assignments. I feel like I really slacked off in this class, which is my fault. I've been going through a lot and haven't had time to complete all off the assignments I wanted to do. This class isn't the only class I've been slacking in. It's all of my classes if I'm being quite honest. However, we do have a break this week, so I'm going to use it to catch up in all of my classes and hopefully get ahead start as well. Other than that, I like where my project portfolio is going so far. I need to add another story, so I could get feedback on it. I personally like writing my stories over the Jataka Anthology. The only two stories I've written were over Jataka. I'm going to try to write over something else but I think Jataka stories are in my comfort zone. Golden Deer I chose this picture because of the illustration and the story from this picture. I really enjoyed this part of the Rama

Week 7 Story: The World is Ending in 2012

Dooms Day. Source: Pixabay In the year 2009, the movie 2012 was released, which brought on skepticism due to the story it told. People debated on whether they should go see it or not because the storyline did not seem believable in any way. Eventually, one person decided to see what it is all about and watched the movie. In this moment, she fell right into the movies trap. After watching 2012, she panicked and feared for the worlds future. She had no idea what to do but to tell all of her friends about the movie and how she learned that the world is going to end on December 21, 2012. Her friends felt like she was making this up; however, they still gave her the benefit of the doubt. They watched the movie one after another and fell right into the same trap she did. Again, her friends panicked and told their own friends about how the world is going to end in 2012. Again, their friends did not believe them but they decided to watch the movie to see what it is all about. Words kept