Week 8 Progress

To be quite honest, I am not happy with the progress I have made in this class. I have been missing assignments left and right, and that is on me for letting my personal issues interfere with my education. This class is fairly easy and I should get an A with no problem; however, missing a bunch of assignments is not helping me reach my goal. I am very disappointed in my work ethic this semester and would like to fix this issue before it is too late. Besides that, I think the work I am proud of the most would be my first story assignment. I had something in mind I was shooting for but my product ended up being completely different, which is fine! The class assignments I enjoy the most are the project ones. I liked setting up the website for my portfolio and can't wait to tweak it a little bit when I have time to. For the rest of the semester, I plan on doing every assignment, including extra credit ones as well, in order for me to get an A in this class.

You can do it! Source: Meme Generator.


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