Extra Credit Reading Notes: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu

Drona trains the princes.

Part 1
  • The five tall sons of Pandu never complained when they were under their uncle's rule, even though their uncle hated them
  • The five sons were put in a tournament to test their skills and they all excelled in every trial, with Arjun being the best archer
  • Arjun was put up to a challenge to show his skill in the use of the bow and succeeded successfully
  • However, a mysterious warrior (Karna) comes into the arena to challenge Arjun and basically had the same skill sets as him
  • Duryodhan crowned Karna as king of Huga and a charioteer comes dashing into the arena, which caused Karna to bow down because it was his father
Bibliography: Wilson. The Five Tall Sons Of Pandu


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