Learning Challenge: Reading Out Loud

Growing up, I hated reading out loud in class. That was honestly my least favorite part about reading classes. Even to this day, I hated being called on to read things out loud. However, I noticed when I read the Jataka Tales out loud, I got through it a lot faster and I didn't skip over any words like when I am just reading it in my head. Personally, the advantages of reading out loud is I don't skip over words I usually do when I am doing silent reading. I also get a better understanding of the text as well. Not only that but I enjoy the reading a lot more and I don't get distracted as easily. As for disadvantages, I personally don't like reading out loud because I don't like hearing myself read. I might try reading some readings out loud later on, but there aren't that much time left in this semester so I am unsure.

Image result for books
Books. Source: Flickr.


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