Growth Mindset: Random Cats

Source: Stay focused!
The first image I chose is a cat staying focused on a squirrel. I picked out this image because I have difficulties with staying focused, especially on my school work. My phone and friends are my biggest distractions and I am trying to limit getting off track this school semester. However, this school semester hasn't been the great because I have personal things to deal with and it has been taking a tool on my health. I am trying my best to stay focused though! I have been putting my phone aside when I need to do assignments and trying the pomodoro technique to as well.

Source: I have control.
The second image I chose relates to the first one because I don't have control sometimes. I know I need to get everything done before focusing on other things but everything that surrounds me, tempts me. I really need to learn how to have some self-control this semester and also learn how to say no!


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