Feedback Thoughts

Image result for rejection
Rejection. Source: Max Pixel

Why rejection hurts so much -- and what to do about it

This article stood out to me the most because I have a fear of rejection. I hate getting rejected so much that I try my best to avoid it. I now understand why I have such a strong feeling towards its after reading the article linked above. When we get rejected, even the slightest rejection triggers the area of our brain where we experience physical pain. This explains why rejection hurts so much. Although rejection cannot be avoided, there are ways to reduce the pain by responding to it in a better way. Three ways to do this is by being less self-critical, knowing your self-worth, and using your social connections to boost yourself. This can be used towards feedback in school, work, etc.

Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work

There are seven ways to alleviate self-doubt in your work! The article linked above states them as:
"1. Don't Compare Yourself to Others, 2. Abandon Perfectionism,  3. Be Vulnerable to a Trusted Community, 4. Embrace a Growth Mindset, 5. Set Goals that are within your Control, 6. Treat Your Work Like an Experiment, 7. Trust Yourself." These strategies are pretty much self-explanatory and can be applied towards feedback you receive. This article was very helpful because I have the tendency of comparing myself to others and setting goals that are way above my range. Hopefully, I can use this towards this class and in the future.

Side note: For me, constructive criticism has worked the best for me. I absolutely hate it when people give me negative feedback and telling me what I did wrong instead of informing me on how I could improve for the future. Receiving constructive criticism helped me in every way, whether it is in school, work, sports, etc.


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