Time Strategies

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(Feelings When You're Running Out of Time. Web source:Max Pixel)
The first article that caught my eye was The Psychology of Checklists by Lauren Marchese because I love psychology. I decided to pick that one to learn more about the psychology side of time management. This article was very helpful because I didn't realize dopamine was released when you complete a small task. I now know that I should be setting smaller goals to achieve instead of big ones that I know I will dread. 

The second article I chose was 3 Steps to Recapture Time by Joynicole Martinez. This article was also helpful because Martinez introduced the idea of using the 1st 15 minutes of each day to plan out your tasks. I usually don't plan out my tasks before the end of each day and I get really lazy at that point. I will start using her idea as of now! She also mentioned the use of saying no and I have a really hard time saying no to people at times because I don't want to seem like I'm not fun or down to hang with people. I'm going to try to practice saying no more often because at this point in college, I . need to start prioritizing school over everything. 

Last semester, I had a difficulties with time management because I was going through a new member process in my sorority and taking 12 hours of science classes. I should have used my time wisely but I chose not to and it caused my GPA to drop. I was very upset with myself, so set a long-term goal for this semester, which is to get a 4.0 GPA. I do not want to make the same mistakes again and fail terribly at managing my time. 


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